Note: I've started posting on Any sports stuff I write will appear on houstonramblins and bleacher report. The following article can also be found here.Playing collegiate sports is mutually beneficial for both the players and the NCAA. The NCAA gets the better end of it, but its still a good deal for players of all skill levels.
OJ Mayo was the example used in
Mr. Watkins' article. OJ Mayo went to one year of school at USC. He was not able to go directly to the NBA. That wasn't the NCAA or USC's fault, that is a NBA law. Formerly, kids with top-level talent would go directly to the NBA, but that's no longer an option. However, no one forced OJ Mayo to attend a university. If he didn't feel right about USC and Tim Floyd banking off his star talent, he could have chosen to wait out the required year by practicing his crossover and jump shot in a gym. But why would he want to do that? There are
more than 3 dozen professional basketball leagues worldwide. He could get paid to play! Right out of high school! Sounds like we've got a solution.
That sucks, though, that he might have to go overseas to get his "fair market value." Nobody would be able to see him play. Nike wouldn't know whether to give him a contract. He wouldn't be playing against the best that he could be. Maybe he looks great, maybe he stinks it up. How would the NBA have graded him? Would he still go #5 in the draft after playing overseas for a year? Would anyone even know who OJ Mayo was? Therein lies the rub - OJ Mayo's payment at USC was the exposure afforded by major college basketball, ESPN, Los Angelos, the NCAA tournament, etc. OJ Mayo's future earnings will likely be higher because he attended college. Isn't that why most people go to school?
OJ Mayo and other lottery-type talent are one case. The "guys who are superstars in college but don't have the body type or athleticism to compete in the NBA" could play overseas after college. Paul Shirley carved out a decent career playing basketball professionally and no one would confuse him with a superstar.
The other 95% of college basketball players? Make sure to get your free diploma!
With all due respect to Mr. Watkins, there is a difference between playing collegiate basketball and working in a sweatshop. These kids aren't forced labor. If they need to help support their family, they can take a day job at McDonald's and work the night shift at Burger King. Nowhere is it written that one who has sports talent must be compensated for it.