Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Witness to History, Almost

Well, I made it to the Astros - Giants game last night to watch Barry Bonds. The thought of him hitting 714 and 715 is unsettling. However, if it happended in Houston and I wasn't there, I would have been mad. I took a couple pictures, then felt bad about it, and decided I would boo should he hit a home run. The Astros made it easy for everyone. Bonds hit the ball a couple times, with one travelling all the way to the warning track. It was as close as he'd been since he was robbed while playing the Cubs. After three innings, Bonds was on track to hit nine times. He ended up at the plate five times. The last time was the best, with Russ Springer throwing the ball at him five times, with the last hitting him in the back. Springer and Garner were thrown out and treated to standing ovations. It was Springer doing what almost every baseball fan has wanted to do, and said that they would do, should they get the chance to pitch against Bonds. I tried to get seats in the outfield (hey, I'd take the money if I caught the ball), and ended up getting seats in section 334. They weren't bad, but certainly weren't as good as the seats we sat in (section 107ish) for the 8th and 9th innings. There were a bunch of seats open up after Barry quit playing. It didn't help that the Astros were getting rocked. Well, I guess now that I didn't see No. 714 or No. 715, I'd rather he doesn't hit them. But I'm not really sure I wanted to see him hit them before last night.

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