Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Tyler's Leap

Much discussion has been made over Tyler Hansborough's leap from a second floor balcony into a pool. Most of the columnists are calling this a horrible decision, saying he is costing himself thousands of dollars. I have gone back and forth over this issue, but when he decided to stay in school I commended him and although I don't commend him for taking the plunge, I am not going to get all over him. Roy Williams has a reason to be pissed, but would he rather have Tyler jumping into pools or jumping into the draft? Hansborough has had a great career and he most likely will not be a good NBA player. He is enjoying his life in college and I applaud him for that. Sure he could have broken a leg or hurt himself in this act, but he also could hurt himself doing a lot of other things. I know little about Tyler and have no clue what other stupid stuff he does, but if this is the extent of his stupidity then I say get off his back. He wasn't putting others in danger like many other college students that drink and get behind the wheel or decide to throw haymakers in a bar. If Micheal Beasley had done this, I would have had a different feel. The truth is Tyler is one of the great college basketball players (his number has already been approved to be retired at UNC) and he actually fufilled his committment to the university to play basketball for four years. If college basketball players aren't allowed to act like college students once in awhile, then they might as well get rid of the one-year rule and let high school players go straight to the NBA. So much is discussed of players being student-athletes. Tyler was simply living up the student part of that as much of college basketball players don't. Part of being a college student is having a few beers and doing something stupid while you are still young and fearless. Im sure Tyler will look back in thirty years and say his time at UNC was the best time of his life. He can always reside in Chapel Hill and open a car dealership. There is one thing I am upset with Tyler about. Stay away from the fratertinity man. You have to know someone else with a two-story balcony.

I just realized I misspelled Hansbrough the entire entry. Sorry "brough".

1 comment:

JMeeks said...

I hadn't heard about this until you posted something about it. Why do they think he's costing himself money? His jump was dumb, but less dumb than a lot of things players have been doing. Hansbrough could be a good NBA player. There's too much made about his 'lack of athleticism.' Someone on Costas Now made a good point - sportswriters are doing him a disservice by repeatedly making this statement. He's a good college player like Brian Grant or Wayne Simian or Carlos Boozer. Some make it in the NBA, some don't. He wasn't projected to be a lottery pick, so I commend his decision to stay in college. It shouldn't hurt him, and he can enjoy the college experience.

Jumping from a second story balcony into a three foot pool is dumb, no matter who is doing it. The college experience can be had without making stupid decisions, unfortunately it doesn't always work out that way. This shouldn't affect his NBA prospects any more than it would affect him trying to get an accounting job.

Austin, thanks for including the picture. It was pretty sweet, 'brough.'