Thursday, October 02, 2008

VP Debate - Live Blogging

Full disclosure: I'm looking for Biden to own during this debate. I think this could be entertaining, and I'm hoping for a little substance (out of Biden, I mean. I don't think Palin is capable of substance)

Debates might be as well be two stump speeches given in 90 second parts. Three questions in and they've given half an answer between the two of them.

When John McCain said the fundamentals of the economy were strong, he was talking about the American workforce? Uh, that doesn't make sense.

8:10PM Sarah Palin isn't going to answer the questions the way the moderator wants her to. Probably because she's a maverick!

8:20P At the beginning of this, Biden almost seems like he's sad, but he's starting to warm up now. He's dropped "the ultimate bridge to nowhere." I don't think it really fit there, but he probably wanted to get to it before Palin.

8:24PM Palin claims to be an energy expert. Joke!

8:30PM Palin is also a meterologist apparently. She doesn't believe that every action by man affects climate change. But she thinks we should do more to positively affect the climate? Joe Biden belives that the warming is man-made. He makes a good point that we can't fix something that we don't know the cause.

8:35 Biden hasn't been funny yet. He's fumbled some words, but I think it's because he's into what he's saying. Nothing too damaging yet.

8:40 Iraq: Biden says "I didn't hear a plan!" He called her on not answering the question!

8:53 Palin [hearts] Petraus and Israel!

8:56 Biden does a good job of tying McCain to George Bush's policies. He said that he hasn't heard how McCain's policies would be any different.

8:56 Palin uses cliches to talk about nuclear weapons. And then comes back to Afganistan. And somehow tries to tie it to the Iraq surge.

9:05 Palin [hearts] the pundits who will tomorrow talk about who said what. She must have gotten over that "gotcha" journalism.

9:07 Biden might have overstated the importance of this election. "The most important any of you have voted in, since maybe 1932"

9:13 Palin not knowing what the VP does was a joke? She must not have learned that from her brother, "the best teacher of the year." She's the joke. Now she knows that the VP presides over the Senate. Good job!

9:16 Biden educates Palin about the role of the VP, according to the constitution. VP only participates in the Senate when there is a tie.

9:28 Palin said she wants to answer the tough questions without the "filter of the mainstream media." I guess direct quotes from televised interviews are pretty biased. She'd rather have pundits assume what her policies are and how she'd act and fill an hour and a half without any substance. Kind of like what she did during this debate!

"Darn right." (2)
"Joe six-pack"
"Hockey mom"
"East-coast politicians"
"The chant is "Drill, baby, drill"'
"back ya up, there"
"Americans are cravin' that straight talk"
"Wasilla main street"

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