Wednesday, March 11, 2009

American Idol Top 13? Results

Quickie here, I got a late start.

Kanye, better than I've seen him before. A little bit autotune, a little bit raw. It worked.

Jasmine got bumped for real. Didn't even get to be part of the tease. Not surprising. Too bad this was one of the judges picks. America 1, Judges 0. She has been straight terrible every step of the way. I guess she must have had the "complete package" or been "marketable" or "looked great." Another reason why this show would probably be better without the four morons. Everyone has been saying more music, more music, more music, and the judges keep going more and more towards a pretty package.

The judges save is an interesting twist, and doesn't turn a vote around, but won't mean much before 5 left. Daughtry got kicked 3rd or 4th right? Seacrest said he'd be saved but

Anoop and Jorge bottom two. Just as I've predicted.

Jorge goes home. I thought he'd be safe because he was actually voted into the top 13?. But Anoop is a crowd favorite. Simon and Randy were "deliberating" so they didn't have to listen.

This is great!!! They ask the judges if they want to save them. High drama! Simon crapping on someone's dreams every week, sign me up!

Carrie Underwood singing the "go home" song. Sounds like she recorded it in a closet full of clothes. The chick on 94.5 won't like that very much. Long live Motley Crue!

No surprises. Kelly Clarkson set a low bar for the AI alumni. Not a lot of steam heading into next week.

Tops going forward: Danny Gokey, the theater kid, Allison for the girls.

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